Industrial collaborators

We are always open to collaborate with industrial partners to develop solutions that are scalable and compatible with the current infrastructure and manufacturing processes. Please connect with us to discuss opportunities for partnering with UCL.

Join us

There are multiple funding opportunities available for postdocs and PhD students. If you would like to apply to any of this funding schemes, please reach out and we will discuss supporting options.

Masters and Undergraduate students

We welcome Masters and undergraduate students to develop their research projects in our lab on topics related to our research interests.

PhD students

Information about some scholarship options can be found here. Some specific funding schemes include:

Postdoctoral researchers

General information about funding options can be found here. Some specific funding schemes include:

Diversity statement

We seek to develop an atmosphere in which every member feels welcome and respected. We are committed to building an open, diverse, inclusive, and accepting environment in which talented individuals from all backgrounds and identities can thrive, irrespective of such factor as (but not limited to) race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, disability, age, or national origin.